Blinken promises us to switch from military focus in Latin America – News2IN
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Blinken promises us to switch from military focus in Latin America

Blinken promises us to switch from military focus in Latin America
Written by news2in

Quito: United States too much focus on the safety of other aid in Latin America, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday, when he promised to urge together to promote democracy.
In the middle of both authoritarian and populist rising in Latin America, Blinken visited Ecuador and Colombia as President Joe Biden tried to fight for a stable democracy.
Both countries receiving US security training and led by conservatives who have taken controversial measures, with this year’s Colombian forces killed dozens of anti-government protesters and Ecuador on Tuesday declared a state of emergency as Blinken fly.
“Our records to partner.” Democracy areas to improve civil society has been mixed, “said Blinken in a speech in the capital of Ecuador, Quito.” That’s because too often, we try to fix the problem with relying too much on training and equipping security forces, and too little on top of other tools in our kit, “he said at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, with Green Andean Foothills behind him.” We are focused on addressing the symptoms of organized crime, such as murder and drug trafficking, and too little on the root cause.
We are working to correct that imbalance.
“He acknowledged the long shadow of US support for dictators, saying,” There are times when we support the government in America that does not reflect the preferences or the will of their people and respect their human rights.
“Among our initiatives that goes beyond security, Blinken pointed to boost government Biden on fighting corruption, including denied visas to officials involved in graft.
Blinken said the United States, together with its call frequently to the election, it will also pay more attention to economic concerns such as improving labor standards, health care and education.
“It should be obvious, but the fact is we often put more energy to strengthen civil rights and politics, as important and necessary as they are – free and fair elections, freedom of speech and assembly – and less to strengthen the economic rights and social.
“- The Challenge of China – Administration Biden, largely following the lead of former President Donald Trump, has increased pressure on autocratic leaders left in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, where President Nicolas Maduro has suspended dialogue with the opposition that supported the United States.
Meanwhile, the US statement more cautious, the question of democracy has increased in the most populous country in the region, Brazil, where President Far Jair Bolsonaro have taken a page from Trump in sowing doubts about the legitimacy of the election.
“We find ourselves at the time of calculation democratic,” said Blinken.
His call to focus on emerging economies as China satisfactory loan money for infrastructure in Latin America, alarming the United States who see Beijing rose and authoritarian as a long-term challenge the greatest.
in Ecuador, which has received billions of dollars in loans China to fund electricity, oil and other projects, Blinken said on Tuesday that he was not called on countries to “choose between the United States and China” but called for greater oversight of sensitive investment in areas in Beijing.
While much smaller in scope than the loan finance of China, the United States has recently attempted to make a real impact by announcing a $ 150 million loan for small businesses run by women in Ecuador.
– Concerns right – Blinken later Wednesday will meet in Colombia with President Ivan Duque, who allied allied with Trump.
Biden has been widely voiced support for Duque but have not met him.
In a letter to Blinken, Human Rights Watch said that Duque has led the police brutality “unprecedented in the history of Colombia recently” in the violent repression of demonstrations over the proposed tax reform.
“The response of the public and a strong private by Biden administration can help prevent further human rights violations,” wrote the head of the Group America, Jose Miguel Vicanco.
Duque said that the Colombian navigate the fragile peace since the FARC rebels agreed to disarm in 2016 and that he was trying to “work effectively” with the United States.
In harmony with our hope for a broader relationship, Duque will speak to blink on two priorities for change and migration Biden – climate.
Blinken will meet in Bogota with the regional minister on the general plan in the middle of a sharp rise in Haiti are desperately made the long journey to the United States.

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