New Delhi: Gurugu Himapriya was only nine when in February 2018, terrorists attacked the Sunjuwan Mile camp with a grenade at Jammu.
Braveheart this from Andhra Pradesh, who will celebrate his birthday on Tuesday, holding his land, involved in conversations with one of the terrorists for 4 to 5 hours, negotiating and finally preventing their families from being targeted by them.
He is one of the 29 receivers for the year 2022 given with “Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Purascar” in the courage category on Monday at a virtual ceremony by PM Modi.
In fact, 14 recipients were girls, the right recognition in the power of the girl on the day of the national daughter.
Children are given to their achievements in six fields – innovation, scholastic achievements, sports, art and culture, social services and courage.
In the first digital certificate given to the recipient for 2022 and 2021 using Blockchain technology developed by IIT Kanpur.
Among those who share their stories with PM are Remona Evette Pereira, a dancer of Bharatatyam from Karnataka who remembers how after his father’s death, his mother did not allow difficult circumstances inhibiting his ambition.
He praised his mother because he helped to overcome the fear of dancing with broken glass.
The 16-year-old has appeared for 13 years and has won many awards.
Interacting with Master AVI Sharma, award in the Scholastics category of Indore, PM asks about the secrets of its productive output in connection with various aspects of Ramayana.
AVI, who is also one of the youngest mentors of Mathematics Vedas, read a number of verses from the Ramayana version that he named “Bal Mukhi Ramayana”.
The recipient of the award was seen by the steering change during a pandemic including Puhabi Chakraborti, 15, which developed the user interface to control the spirometer.
Meedhansh Kumar Gupta, 12, developed a portal that provides all related information in Covid-19 on one platform during the early stages of pandemic.
Aakarsh Kaushal, 17, developed the Portal of the MIS RTPCR to manage the Covid-19 situation in Karnal Haryana Regency.
This project has been extended to other districts in the state.