British police will not act against Prince Andrew because of abuse claims – News2IN
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British police will not act against Prince Andrew because of abuse claims

British police will not act against Prince Andrew because of abuse claims
Written by news2in

LONDON: British police have announced they will not take any action against Prince Andrew after a review driven by an accuser Jeffrey Epstein who claimed that he was sexually attacked him.
Virginia Giuffe claims she was traded by Epstein to have sex with Andrew in London in 2001, when she was 17 and underage.
He sued the prince in the US court.
Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II, denied the allegations.
He told the BBC in a 2019 interview that he had never had sex with Giuffre, said: “That doesn’t happen.” In August, London metropolitan police forces started reviews of charges connected with Epstein sex offenders punished.
Police Chief Cressida Dick said at that time “no one on the law.” In a statement at the end of the week, Force said “The reviews have concluded and we did not take further action.” It was also said that it would not take action on charges, first reported by the News Channel 4, that the alleged accomplice of Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, women and women traded and harassed in England.
Maxwell, an English socialite, was in a US prison waiting for the trial on charges that he recruited teenage girls to break Epstein.
That power said it would continue to relate to other law enforcement agencies that lead the investigation into things related to Epstein.
After weeks of legal subscription, lawyers for Andrew recognized the end of last month that prices have been officially presented with a Giuffre lawsuit.
Prince must submit a response to the claim on October 29.
Andrew, 61, has been disposed of from the task of the public kingdom in the midst of the scandal for his friendship with the convict of Epstein pedophiles, who committed suicide at the Federal Detention Center in New York in August 2019 while waiting for a trial on charges of sex trade.

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