‘Calendar proof’ to be examined in 90 murder cases: CP – News2IN
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‘Calendar proof’ to be examined in 90 murder cases: CP

'Calendar proof' to be examined in 90 murder cases: CP
Written by news2in

Nagpur: ‘Evidence Calendar’ or the contents of evidence in 90 murders that have occurred in the city will be assessed by several ranked supervisors, in accordance with the latest instructions of the City Police Chief (CP) Amitesh Kumar.
Complicated exercises have been made to ensure the murder case ends in confidence and the defendant remains behind the bar for a long time.
The top police decision came to his observation heel during a police station visit that the defendant in some cases of sensitive murder occurred in a guarantee in a short time.
In a separate development, the city police have met the city ‘hotspot’ city to other places where higher murder incidents and more often than other places.
According to CP, there is a series of preventive techniques and different strategies to reduce murder in this hotspot.
In accordance with the latest data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) for 2019, Nagpur and Patna have the worst murder rate of the country.
Kumar has instructed a police station to prepare the calendar evidence in every murder case.
These documents will be examined by supervisors at various levels, here they will send to the top COP for the last assessment of the evidence collected and the amendment is needed.
CP said the complete practice of evidence assessment has been carried out where the evidence collected in each case will be analyzed “The main objective is to ensure that there is confidence in each case enhanced by chargeshets and waterproof.
This assessment exercise is done to increase the level of confidence in murder,” said Kumar.
The top COP said another goal of this exercise was to ensure allegations of guarantees accused of being contested properly and canceled.
“Allegations of murders are expected to remain in the custody of the judiciary as long as possible.
The challenge is to keep them behind bars by opposing their bail,” Kumar said.
The police chief added, “We should also maintain a watch close to the conditions of the defendant’s guarantee.
As soon as there is a violation of the condition of the guarantee, we must bring it to the court notice and get the command canceled.” To prevent murder, especially at Hotspot, Kumar said the police would arrange interaction Agressive society in such places and increases the “visibility of the police” and adolescent management strategies, which involve the family.
“We aim to carry out the norms of strict liquor permits in the hotspot of murder so that under the age of 25 do not get access to liquor,” he said.
Chief of the city police two times PKB Chakraborthy said the collection of evidence must start from the place and that framing the accurate FIR is very important.
“The evidence must be chased in FIR too,” he said, adding that care must be taken to ensure the evidence collected is not disputed.
Former Government Government Government Vijay Kohle said the TKP management and the protection of witnesses was the two most important aspects for confidence.
CP prevented the murder of the murder of aggressive community interaction with the police stakeholder who was seen by the agenda of the Point Record senior FIR officers who correctly had to visit Broot Crime Spot Chasing unexpectedly identifying weapons correctly properly maintaining forensic reports and well-known evidence of the elderly Chargesheet investment must be instructed in writing an important role of supervisors, no evidence

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