‘Cancer lumps’ turned out to be a clove trapped in the lungs – News2IN
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‘Cancer lumps’ turned out to be a clove trapped in the lungs

'Cancer lumps' turned out to be a clove trapped in the lungs
Written by news2in

Nagpur: A pleasant laugh with family is always considered a good drug but sometimes it might turn into a life and death situation.
A young woman from Indore chewed cloves when she laughed loudly and cloves accidentally entered her throat.
What is followed is some common cough, some water and throat cleaning exercises and everything is normal.
Never in his outward dream, the woman imagined that clove would cause the biggest nightmare for seven years after this incident.
After almost two to three years the incident, the woman began to face problems such as frequent cough, difficulty breathing and chest pain.
Gradually, he began to experience weight loss, and occasional thermal bleeding.
The doctors did CT scan and discover lumps and pneumonia developed on the lower left side of his left lung.
Consider all factors, doctors say that it can become a cancer.
For the 36-year-old woman, it surprised her life.
Biopsy is done and resulted in negative for cancer cells.
But because of all the symptoms of cancer, the doctor refers to Nagpur.
Pulmonologists at the Cream Hospital conducted a complete and diagnosed investigation that there must be something trapped in the lungs.
Minimal invasive surgery carried out in three-four steps finally removed the cloves from their lungs.
The woman issued a discharge recently and lived a truly normal life.
“When any foreign object enters our bodies, the body’s cells create pus around it.
Gradually, nanah crowded and the body continues to add to the compacted layer around a foreign body.
We need three days to remove these layers, and cloves Which was overwhelmed and calcified in it, “said Dr.
Parimal Deshpande, who was in a team of doctors led by Pulmonologist Veteran Dr.
Ashok Arbat.
“This is a rare case.
This is unusual for us to remove cloves or foreign objects put in the wind pipe.
But it generally occurs immediately after the incident.
In this case, cloves come down from the wind pipe and reach the lungs, and need seven years To remove it which is very rare, “said Dr.
The doctors conducted a minimum invasive operation for the removal of a foreign body.
They insert a tube with balloons and bronchoscopes from the wind pipe and remove the parts of the lump step by step.
It took three days to reach cloves.
If not been diagnosed, this lung part must be amputated.
The doctor said, the patient was lucky that all particles could be removed without external pieces.
It will threaten the lives if this operation will fail.
Laughing live and second life 7 years ago, Anusha chewed cloves when she laughed very hard and dried cough from the last 3-4 years, she began to experience coughing, shortness of breath, etc.
He experienced a weight loss, chest pain, and sometimes phlegm bleeding in his hometown conducting CT scanning which showed a lump in a lung doctor in the Nagpur conducted on the ad enlarged the airway, finally step by step to remove foreign objects even after 7 year, cloves are almost intact conditions, because human body protector properties

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