Center Moves SC to remember the Keep of the OBC quota in the local body selection of Maharashtra – News2IN
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Center Moves SC to remember the Keep of the OBC quota in the local body selection of Maharashtra

Written by news2in

Mumbai: This center has now approached the Supreme Court to remember the order of December 15, which lived in the 27 percent election of the back classrooms (OBC) in the local body to take over this seat as a general category seat.
The central government wants SC to suspend the selection process as a temporary action and to direct the selection of local agencies to be suspended for four months.
Until then the administrator can function, the center said.
The center says “inadequate representation or non-representation OBC has a doubled adverse effect.
First, people belonging to the OBC category lost the opportunity to be elected through the democratic process and fulfilling Alland aspirations to help develop the quality of leadership in the community and secondly it seized OBC voters to choose objects from the community and therefore contrary to the object of the constitutional scheme.
The center said “the increase in caste scheduled, the scheduled and OBC tribes have become a government priority, therefore an inadequate OBC representation in local self-government defeating object and The goal is very ideas about decentralizing power and taking governance.
Grassroots level.
“SC has lived the selection for the OBC quota as it says the previous order requires a ‘triple test’ must determine retardation.
The center said it was not made a party in Maharashtra’s material but in the issue of the Pancrayat election from Madhya Pradesh where on December 17 SC called on their respective country election commissions to first comply with a triple test before notifying a seat reservation for OBC.
in a local body.
The central petition is that SC can consider attacking the balance between compliance with the triple-test and the constitutional mandate of the application submitted on Christmas Day is “in the interests of Bona Fide ” said the center.
It has been looking for directions to the state to come out with the Election Commission report .
Center said any intervention when the election process is underway will rob the OBC community members to “five long years” caused “substantial prejudice to the backward class citizens.
” Triple test requires commission arrangements to conduct strict empirical checks for implications of backwardness in the local body; Determine the required order proportions and quota cannot exceed 50 percent of total orderings that support SC / ST and OBC together.

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