Center to have the final word in NDDB affairs – News2IN
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Center to have the final word in NDDB affairs

Center to have the final word in NDDB affairs
Written by news2in

Vadodara: The National Milk Development Board mandate to follow the ‘cooperative strategy’ of milk construction in India everything will change.
The Indian government (Indian government) has proposed amendments to the 1987 NDDB Act where words “and other plans for the development of the dairy sector” will be included in the existing actions of this legal entity.
It was on the final order of Prime Minister (PM) Lal Bahadur Shastri, that NDDB was formed by parliament with the mandate to follow the “Cooperative Strategy”.
This strategy was applied by the Chairman of the Founder of NDDB Dr.
Verghese Kurien has led the white revolution in the country because the model changed cooperatives were replicated through flood operations that reversed milk deficits to India into the largest milk producers in the world.
The Indonesian government plans to introduce Bill 2021 NDDB (amendment), which if cleaned, will force the APEX body headquartered to move beyond the traditional role of helping and strengthening existing dairy cows cooperatives.
In fact, the amendment bill even proposed the post of the Director on the NDDB board from the “private dairy industry” – a step that has raised eyebrows in the cooperative sector of milk.
“The Amul or Anand model is a cooperative model where farmers are the main owners.
Providing representatives to the private milk sector defeating their goals,” said a cooperative veteran of milk.
At present, the NDDB Council consists of the Chairperson, Director of Executive, two executive directors, one government nomination (Secretary of the Development of Milk and Livestock Development, the Government of Indonesia), two chairmen of the State Milk Cooperative Federation and an expert from the Cooperative Sector were invited by NDDB.
There is concern that NDDB will finally lose a little autonomy that it has if the amendment is cleaned in their current form.
The proposed amendment states that the nominated NDDB director will also be the Director of Ex Officio in the subsidiary council.
“Next, prior approval will be needed from the central government to form any company or subsidiaries,” said a source close to development.
“NDDB will be bound by instructions on questions about policy questions that involve general interests.
What questions are one of the policies or not the final.” “This is a clear indication of what the future has for us.
The purpose of NDDB is to support The movement and cooperative structure which is a farmer’s institution, enjoys autonomy and has enough checks and balances.
That goal is diluted, “said an old man.
“The whole goal of preparing NDDB in Anand is to keep it away from political and bureaucratic influences.
This will change if the amendment is cleared,” he said.
The Ministry of Fisheries, Livestock and Businessmakers have issued a regulatory note on the design of legislation for amendments prepared by the Ministry of Law and Justice along with additional amendments by the Department of Livestock & Cooler.

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