Coach gym ‘tired mentally’ hanging himself – News2IN

Coach gym ‘tired mentally’ hanging himself

Written by news2in

Rajkot: The 32-year-old Gym coach of Keshod allegedly ended his life by hanging himself on Saturday.
The police said that the deceased, Dipesh Pethani, in a suicide record, said that he was tired mentally.
Pethani was found hanging at her house around 10:30 a.m.
The police found a suicide note where Pethani did not blame anyone because of taking extreme steps.
Pethani wrote that she was tired mentally and she used to hope the next day the situation would improve but never happened.
So, for peace of mind, he decided to end his life.
“I haven’t made any mistakes and never imagined I had to see such days,” Pethani wrote.
But the suicide note did not explain the problem he faced.
Overcoming his friends, Pethani wrote that they should not consider anyone who was responsible for committing suicide and asked them to care for their parents.
The police said that, through a suicide record, he even asked his parents not to do post-dead rituals, but only held a prayer meeting.
The police examined the telephone record and other evidence to find out if he was harassed by anyone.
The owner of the provisions ended the life of life in another incident, the owner of the preliminary shop from Jamnagar allegedly ended his life by jumping at the Ranjitsagar Dam on Saturday.
The owner supplys the Chirag Rajpal (25) shop depression for the past few days because the business is not fine.
The police said that on Saturday afternoon he left his house without telling anyone and went to the dam from where his body was fishing later on.

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