‘Coal phase down from AS-China COP26 statement’ – News2IN
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‘Coal phase down from AS-China COP26 statement’

'Coal phase down from AS-China COP26 statement'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Trying to fight criticism from developed countries about India became the last minute spoiler in COP26 recently in connection with the “exit phase” coal, senior officials pushed back said the comments were not informed and unfair.
The term “phase down”, which was replaced by “phase”, from coal emissions was taken from US-China statements the previous day.
Officials said India objected to the fact that only coal mentioned and not oil and gas, which is mainly used by developed countries.
It places countries like India and China on the dock while giving a gap for Western countries.
Officials also said the comments of PM Narendra Modi about zeros and other climate promises should not be confused with the national contribution nationally determined (NDCS) – PM is setting “national goals” while the NDC revision is a technical document.
PM, said the source, made a “ambitious statement.” “It takes a lot of surprises.
PM says if you want a higher ambition in mitigation, there must be more ambition in financing and adaptation.
Ambition cannot be unilaterally,” he added.
Head of the Aid USA Action Policy, Brandon Wu summarized the core of “injustice” in Twitter thread, where he described Western actions as “climate colonialism”.
Target Text “Dout Coal Power and Inefficient Fossil Fuel Subsidies, which leave the giant gap for CCS (and ‘efficient’ FF subsidies) and leave the oil & gas completely.
India previously suggested that he overcome all fossil fuels by the way fair.
but fair fossil fossil phaseout will put most of the exact burden in the US and rich countries …
on the contrary, the # COP26 language has severe implications for developing countries such as India and many gaps for the continuation of material activities Burn of US fossils.
“India and China work together in coal language, officials said.
Unfortunately, India was in the spotlight because the Minister of the Environment was asked to read the final results, they added.
The critics have pointed to the “Naïveté” of India where China released a hook while India took bricks, despite showing the biggest commitment to climate mitigation purposes at the Summit.
“We object to too emphasis on mitigation versus finance and adaptation,” Source said, adding India consistently objections to the targeting of coal subsidies.
However, there is another view that if India has not confirmed itself, the government will face criticisms because they are not alert to the interests of the country.
The scenery in the government is that the purpose set by PM for 2030 is a strong Goad for Western countries to meet their sides of the agreement.
Basic statement, the official said, made him clear India would not agree to the phase of coal subsidies – India joined South Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Venezuela, Nigeria, China, among others.
Compromise is done by bringing a language close to the G-20 statement, they add, “with national protection and adequate protection for poor and vulnerable countries”.
In the end, “We tried to find consensus,” they said.
The final document brings back the “phase-out” of coal subsidies at the request of small island countries, and maintains “down phase” for coal.

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