COLOR: JAB Plan Alternative Day for 1st Dosage Recipient, 2 – News2IN

COLOR: JAB Plan Alternative Day for 1st Dosage Recipient, 2

COLOR: JAB Plan Alternative Day for 1st Dosage Recipient, 2
Written by news2in

Kolkata: In an effort to remove the second dose backlog for covishield and covaxin, and streamline the vaccination process for the first dose recipient, Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) on Friday decided to maintain vaccination clinics and the mega center open to the recipient of the first and second doses on the day alternative day.
This rule will take effect since Monday.
Under the new rules, the second dose recipient will be able to receive their shots at a 144 KMC vaccination clinic and more than 50 centers of Mega on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and the first dose recipient will get their shot on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
According to a KMC Health Officer, Kunal Civic must change the rules after witnessing anomalies in the current system which is partly responsible for growth in the second dose deposit.
“We have detected a gap in the system in our clinic and mega centers where we are vaccaming both doses of six days a week.
At the point, the system leads to a large pile of second doses.
Then we decided to introduce two separate shifts, but that Don’t solve the problem.
So we decided to change the rules, “said the KMC health department official.
According to a KMC medical officer who has been assigned to run vaccination clinics in TollyGunge, new rules will also benefit those who have waited for their first dose.
“If we receive a normal vaccine supply, we will be able to manage shots to younger people who have queued in our clinic but are often rejected,” said the citizenship official.
In addition to streamline the vaccination process, the new rule will also allow KMC medical officers to run other routine investigations at the Urban Civic Main Health Center, which has been converted into a temporary vaccination unit.
“After handling vaccination pressure since morning, our medical staff and medical in primary health centers cannot offer important investigations of other citizens, which include tests for malaria and demunization, immunization or routine examination.
The new system will offer us some time To concentrate on this, “said an official.

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