Covid-19 Case Active Vadodara Double Two Weeks – News2IN

Covid-19 Case Active Vadodara Double Two Weeks

Covid-19 Case Active Vadodara Double Two Weeks
Written by news2in

Vadodara: Many believe that Covid-19 is on the way out of town and district.
While the number of new cases registered every day might hint this, the number of active cases indicates the opposite.
The number of cases of active in the city and district is almost doubled in two weeks.
Of the 12 active cases on September 16, the number increased to 26 on Thursday.
There were no significant changes in the amount of hospitalization too.
On Thursday, only four Covid-19 patients were treated at the city hospital.
Of the 4,984 beds in the city, 4,980 empty.
The source said that four patients would include them from Vadodara cities and districts from other places too.
The source says that it is usually a patient in the ICU which is still accepted for a long time.
But if Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) data is an indication, only one person from the city and district that supports oxygen and does not exist in the bipping or ventilator machine.
Hospital data revealed that only one patient was in the ICU at the city hospital.
Medical VMC Medical Officer Dr.
Devesh Patel said that almost no new cases and hospitalized were very low.
“Covid-19 patients should ideally be repatriated in a two-week cycle,” he said.
He added that data must be seen inside.
The source added that there was no explanation for increasing active cases when most patients were treated at home and had mild symptoms.
Negative tests are also not needed if the patient undergoes the specified and recovering insulation period.

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