Covid-19: Central Team in Kerala to verify high cases, backlog death – News2IN
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Covid-19: Central Team in Kerala to verify high cases, backlog death

Covid-19: Central Team in Kerala to verify high cases, backlog death
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: The central team of three members has reached the country given the high case and death of Covid-19, including the deposits, reported from the country.
Team members – Dr.
Ravindran, advisers, disaster management cells, Ministry of Health and family welfare; Dr.
Ruchi Jain, Public Health Specialist, Ministry of Health and Welfare of Family and Dr.
Pranay Verma, Joint Director, National Disease Center – Reaching State Capital on Monday.
The team also investigated backlogs in DeathSthey had detailed discussions with officials at the Directorate of Health Services and visited a General Hospital, one of the Covid main treatment centers in this district.
It was lowned that the team also verified the case sheets from those who surrendered to Covid in the district.
In addition to death, the team also investigated large deposits of deaths reported from the country.
Health officials were learned to appreciate it that the backlog appeared following the direction of the Supreme Court to revise the guidelines to determine Covid death.
They have submitted that all of the appeals in this case received by the authorities are being considered by the dead death committee of the district level.
The state has reported the death of 43,170 Covid so far, where 9,516 has been added from an appeal received after June 18, 2021.
However, 3,779 appeal continued to be delayed in the death before June 18.
The central team will visit Kottayam on Tuesday.
It will visit the hospital and verify casesesheets from the deaths reported.
The team was also asked to look into testing, contact contacts, supervision, detention operations, etc.
After more cases reported from the country.

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