Covid-19 vaccination is mandatory for Italian health workers – News2IN

Covid-19 vaccination is mandatory for Italian health workers

Covid-19 vaccination is mandatory for Italian health workers
Written by news2in

Rome: Italian authority has made Covid-19 vaccination mandatory for professionals working in health services, local media reported.
“Vaccination is mandatory for all who work in health care facilities,” The news agency Ansa officials quoted Health Minister Roberto Speranza said on Monday.
“We must continue to work for this rule to be fully implemented because vaccination is our most important tool to end this phase (pandemic),” added Speranza.
The Minister’s statement came two days after the report that around 300 health workers in the northern region of the country filed a legal appeal before the Administrative Court in Brescia on this requirement, reported the Xinhua news agency.
Vaccination against coronavirus “strongly recommended” but not mandatory in the country; However, the government has ruled health workers for specific sensitivity their work is between categories that must be vaccinated to continue to work.
Workers will base their requests for claims that this rule violates the article in the Italian Constitution which defines the rights of citizens of health, which states that nothing is required to undergo their health care for their will.
While the court is expected to hear legal cases in mid-July, this problem is further discussed on Monday by the president of the Italian Federation of Medical Association (Fnomceo) Filippo Anelli.
“I want to remember the Constitutional Court we have ruled vaccinated is not a necessity but the requirement to practice the medical profession,” he told the Adnkronos news agency.
“Therefore, professionals face choices: If they want to be a doctor, they have to get the job.” Vaccination efforts continue to cross the country.
More than 54 million official vaccine doses have been provided so far, and more than 21 million people, which accounted for more than 39 percent of the country’s population over 12, has fully immunized, according to the latest official data.
Because the pandemic broke out in the country in February last year, Italy has registered 4,263,797 cases of Coronavirus and 127,680 fatalities.

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