Covid Bogs lowered US President Biden in winter dissatisfaction – News2IN
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Covid Bogs lowered US President Biden in winter dissatisfaction

Covid Bogs lowered US President Biden in winter dissatisfaction
Written by news2in

Washington: Joe Biden promised to “follow the science” when he took over from Donald Trump, but one year later noted infection, testing of vaccine shortages and a stubborn resistance has changed one of the strong points of his presidency into a growing liability.
Data on Wednesday showed the highest amount that a new Covid infections – 265 427 cases on an average seven-day moving – Biden underlined impotence against virus mutation.
The good news buried behind the figures is that the variant omicron scary driving a new surge may be far more deadly than the previous version.
So while the Americans – and people in many other countries – curved infected, the consequences are very much lighter.
Showed 126 percent increase in the cases of the US, compared with just 11 per cent rise in hospital admissions, an infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci top government called the data “encouraging.” “We should not be satisfied,” he said on Wednesday, but “all indications show a lower severity of Omicron.” However, the ongoing uncertainty and the speed of viral spread that is enough to sow chaos, Biden politically damaging.
With concerns that hospitals would be overwhelmed, airline canceled hundreds of flights at one of the busiest time of the year, and major sporting events threatened disruption, Democrats face the winter is not satisfied.
Everything short of expectations he inspired in office 11 months ago, vowing to reverse the Trump erratic leadership and get the pandemic under control.
With the virus in a steady retreat during his first months, Biden has even dared to declare July 4th Independence Day of Covid-19.
Now, after the arrival of the summer of Varian and Omicron Delta this winter, Biden is under fire from all sides, with abysmal approval ratings in the low 40 percent range and disapproval at nearly 52 percent.
The New York Post, a loud voice in the chorus of criticism of the White House, said Biden might not blame Covid-19, but the answer is not competent.
“Bottom line: hype team Biden, incompetence, hypocrisy and lies that really does not instill confidence,” said the editorial.
Trump, who repeatedly tried to downplay the pandemic during his final year in office, charging that Biden has run for the false promises.
“Do you remember when the Democratic campaign based on the fact that they will quickly and easily get rid of the virus China? The whole campaign they are lying,” he said in a statement.
The latest criticism against Biden focused on the lack of rapid test kit is alarming, with pharmacies run out of stock and government-run testing center surrounded by long lines that worried.
Administration said it would send 500 million home testing kits and signed a contract worth $ 137 million on Wednesday to a source of critical materials in the production test over-the-counter.
However, Biden himself admitted that the effort was “clearly not enough.” Howard Forman, a professor at the Yale School of Public Health, said frequent testing for high-risk category is “critical” for therapeutic drugs can ward off the worst if stuck in time.
In “one of the high-risk groups, I will test as early as possible.” But the best defense is a vaccine, with a death rate associated covid up 14 times for the non-vaccinated compared to those who got the shot, according to the disease control center.
Biden has raced against tremendous resistance stubborn, often in areas of the Republic, with only 62 per cent of countries that are fully vaccinated and less than 33 percent after receiving a booster.
This week, the CDC reduced the time of insulation is recommended for people with Covid-19 for up to five days without asymptomatic, a decision that drew cheers from some businesses are desperate to avoid interruption of employment, but harsh criticism from elsewhere.
The latest dispute symbolizes faces difficulties against Biden in keeping everyone, or sometimes anyone, happy.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said on Wednesday, the decision to reduce the period of isolation is not only rely on science but also human and political factors.
“It really has to do with what we think people will be able to tolerate,” said Walensky CNN.

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