Covid Grim Bihar Scene as 9 more Die, 6K Test + Ve – News2IN

Covid Grim Bihar Scene as 9 more Die, 6K Test + Ve

Covid Grim Bihar Scene as 9 more Die, 6K Test + Ve
Written by news2in

Patna: Covid situation remained bleak in the state on Thursday with nine people who surrendered to the virus and 6,393 positive tests for it in the last 24 hours.
While the State Health Department reported seven deaths on Thursday, one death was reported in the Covid Bulletin Nalanda Medical College and Hospital (NMCH) and AIims-Patna.
According to the Daily Covid Bulletin from the Ministry of Health issued on Thursday night, four deaths were reported on Patna alone and, one person he died in Darbhanga, style and Saharsa.
A 80-year-old man from Ramkrishna Nagar in Patna died in NMCH on Wednesday and a 59-year-old man from Purnia in Aiims-Patna on Thursday.
In accordance with the Ministry of Health, Covid victims as a whole in the country increased from 12,114 on Wednesday to 12, 121 on Thursday.
People infected with Covid throughout the state.

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