Criminal nabbed during the attack on the gambling den dead – News2IN

Criminal nabbed during the attack on the gambling den dead

Written by news2in

Rajkot: A 38-year-old man with a criminal record died after he was arrested along with five other people during a gambling raid operating from a house in Mevasa Village near Chotila City in Surdenagar on Monday night.
The deceased was identified as Mahesh Gamara, a resident of Rajkot City.
According to officials of the Nani Moldi police station, they have raided the house owned by Lala Mundhva in Mevasa Village on Monday night and arrested Gamara, Mukesh Box (60), Sattar Habib Kotalya (24), Imran Kalva (24), 35) and Alpesh Dodia (39) – All residents of Rajkot City.
All those arrested were taken to the Nani Moldi police station for further investigation.
The police also confiscated cash 3.56 lakh, one car and cellphone from the defendant.
“However, after we arrived at the police station, Gamara, Box and Kotalya complained of discomfort and was taken to a government hospital in Chotila City.
But Gamara died before he arrived at the hospital,” said a police officer.
Then, boxes and Kotalysa shifted to a civil hospital in Rajkot for further treatment.
Meanwhile, Gamara’s relatives accused him of not being given medical assistance on time which resulted in his death.
The police have sent the deceased’s body for postmortem forensics and the report was awaited.
According to the police, Gamara has many cases delayed by him, including attempted murder, under the money of loans and ARM, among others.

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