Danes ordered the restaurant to close early, forbid a big concert – News2IN

Danes ordered the restaurant to close early, forbid a big concert

Danes ordered the restaurant to close early, forbid a big concert
Written by news2in

Copenhagen: Denmark, the Danish government has decided that school students until the 10th grade must learn remotely for the last few days before Christmas and order nightclubs, bars and restaurants to close at midnight in an effort to fight Covid-19 cases.
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen also recommended Wednesday that people worked from home, prohibiting concerts with more than 50 people standing up and ordered people to wear facial masks in the restaurant when they did not sit down.
The steps apply on Fridays and arranged to last for four weeks.
Virtual teaching starts on Wednesday, December 15.
In Denmark, schools experienced Christmas breaks on December 20.
Speaking of Omicron variants, Frederiksen said that “it is expected that this will mean more infected, more painful and thus potentially more treated in patient hospitals.” “Thus, the new variant also requires a significant risk of critically the excess health services, and that is it Why do we now do more, “Frederiksen said.
Norway on Tuesday introduced the limit of 10 people to meet in private homes, although the number would increase to 20 at Christmas and New Year.
It also capping attendance at public events without seating assigned to 50.
In addition, the government said it advised people to work from home if possible and reintroduce social distance requirements for restaurants.
Swedish neighboring countries also recommend that employers provide opportunities to work from home, and face masks are needed for public transportation when crowding cannot be avoided.

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