Day 1: Staffers warn, but collect waste that is not separate in many regions – News2IN
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Day 1: Staffers warn, but collect waste that is not separate in many regions

Day 1: Staffers warn, but collect waste that is not separate in many regions
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has begun to apply its decision not to collect non-separate garbage from households and commercial companies, on Thursday.
However, staff of two private agents – AG Enviro Infra and BVG India – collect non-separate garbage from households in most areas after giving warnings and ultimatum one day.
The Civic’s body claims 475 metric tons (MT) or 40% of a total of 1,200 mt waste reaches the dumping bandewadi page separately.
Previously, the ratio was below 10%.
Commissioner of Municipal Radhakrishnan B, Supplementary City Commissioner Ram Joshi and Nodal Officer Solid Waste Management Dr.
Gajendra Mahalle has warned NMC will pick up both vehicles from two institutions transporting not separate garbage.
In some areas, Enviro staff seemed to receive garbage which was not separate but threw it in their vehicle after separation.
They look separate to avoid the stricture of their supervisor.
BJP Corporator Virendra Kukreja said, “This is a good initiative and a challenging task for the Civic body.
As a corporator, I create awareness among people for the past 15 days.
Some people start separating waste and some have convinced to do it in one or Two days.
We also encourage people to reuse wet waste at the house itself.
It will not only help reuse Wet and dry waste but also saves the environment.
“Corporate Corporator Manoj Sangole said there was no response from people in the slums.
“It is very difficult to implement this in the slums.
The people there wake up leave to get bread and butter every day, so they don’t have time and interest in separating garbage.
They will throw in open plots, public places and playgrounds If the garbage is not picked up, “he said Rachana Angan’s apartment Sandeep Shirkhedkar said,” The owner of all 44 flats gave separate trash today.
The staff who came to collect waste had told us 10 days ago.
We all followed him for the cause of the city.
-Masing and every citizen must regard as his responsibility and provide separate waste, “he said.
Residents of Chandramani Nagar, Indu Doye, said the garbage vehicle did not come in his area on Thursday.
“We are sick when the vehicle comes on alternative days, or even once in two-three days sometimes.
We have not been told by anyone to save two trash cans and provide separate waste,” he said.

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