Details of the White House plan to vaccinate children aged 5-11 – News2IN
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Details of the White House plan to vaccinate children aged 5-11

Details of the White House plan to vaccinate children aged 5-11
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: Children aged 5 to 11 will soon be able to get Covid-19 shots in their pediatrician office, local pharmacies and potentially even their schools, the White House said Wednesday because it detailed the planned authorization of the pfizer shot for the younger child – Children in a matter of weeks.
The federal regulator will meet for the next two weeks to weigh the benefits of granting the children’s shots, after a long study is intended to ensure vaccine security.
In a few hours of formal approval, it is expected that the disease control center and prevention advisor is scheduled for November 2-3, the dose will begin to be sent to providers throughout the country, along with small needles needed to inject young people, and within a few days will be Ready to enter the hug of children on a wide scale.
Biden administration recorded a national campaign to extend vaccination protection to school cohorts – going not to look like the beginning of the state vaccine launch 10 months ago, when the scarcity of doses and capacity problems means waiting for many Americans.
The country now has a lot of supply of pfizer shots to vaccinate around 28 million children who will soon be eligible, the White House official said, and has worked for months to ensure the availability of a shot that has been approved.
More than 25,000 pediatricians and primary service providers have registered to manage the Covid-19 vaccine shots to children, the White House said, next to tens of thousands of retail pharmacies that have managed shots into adults.
Hundreds of school and community-based clinics will also be funded and supported by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help speed up shooting.
The White House also prepares to mobilize the enhanced campaign to educate parents and children about the safety of gunfire and the ease of getting it.
Just as for adult vaccinations, the administration believes trusted messengers – educators, doctors, and community leaders – will be very important to encourage vaccination.
While children are at lower risk than parents have serious side effects of Covid-19, the serious consequence occurs – and officials note that vaccination dramatically reduces the opportunity and will reduce the spread of more delta variants, contributing to the recovery of the nation wider than pandemic.
“Covid also disrupts the lives of our children.
It makes school harder, it disturbs their ability to see friends and family, it makes youth sports more challenging,” US surgeon Dr.
Vivek Murthy told NBC on Wednesday.
“Making our children vaccinated, we have prospects to protect it, but also get all the activities back that is so important for our children.” Murthy said the government, who promoted the employer’s vaccine mandate for adults, left questions about school requirements to local and state officials, but called them “reasonable.” “They are decisions about, when it comes to school requirements, which are made by the regions and by countries,” he told NBC “today.” “You have seen several areas and countries talk about vaccine requirements for children.
And I think it’s a reasonable thing to consider to get a high level of vaccination.
And it’s also consistent with what we have done for the child vaccine – Other children, such as measles., Gunch, polio.
“Administration noted that children who got their first shot within a few weeks after the expected agreement in early November would be fully vaccinated by Christmas.
The US has bought 65 million PFIRER pediatric shots – expected to one third of doses for adults and adolescents – according to officials.
They will send in a smaller package of around 100 doses, so that more providers can send it, and they can be saved up to 10 weeks at standard cooling temperatures.
About 219 million Americans are 12 years and above, or 66% of the total population, have received Covid-19 shots and almost 190 million are fully vaccinated.

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