Detection forces at all Vadodara police stations were dissolved – News2IN
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Detection forces at all Vadodara police stations were dissolved

Written by news2in

Vadodara: The whole detection team (D-staff staff) from the city police was dissolved on Monday after several complaints of irregularities arose against them.
Shamsher Singh City Police Commissioner issued orders and directed all police stations to eliminate D-staff members.
“I have a complaint that staff members have developed personal interests and they don’t do their work well.
So, the team has been dissolved.
Now, the DCPS concerned will decide whether they need D staff in their area and they can complete the names, “Singh toi said.
The move emerged after a liquor seizure attack on Raopura a few days ago.
Staff D in each police station focuses on detecting crime and gambling and liquid Dens in his jurisdiction.
Detection troops include constable, constable head, and police sub-inspectors too.
“Pis often rely on too much on D staff who are not good,” added police officers.

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