Director of the Red Cross said “crisis” superior in Afghanistan – News2IN
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Director of the Red Cross said “crisis” superior in Afghanistan

Written by news2in

Kabul, Afghanistan: Severe financial lacks and winter arrivals can spell “the main humanitarian crisis” for Afghanistan if money is not restored to pay wages and services, especially health care, regional director of the Red Cross International Federation said on Thursday.
Alexander Matheou said Afghanistan would enter `very difficult a few months’ as a temperature dropped, aggravating the lack of food produced from dryness and poverty.
Health care pieces put many vulnerable Afghans, especially in rural areas, risky.
The warning came when the Taliban authorities quickly dispersed with a shot of a woman led protest demanding the same rights for education in Kabul.
Poster-poster held by a small group of women say “ don’t burn our books! ” Confiscated and canceled by gunmen, on the grounds that women did not ask permission to rally.
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Moon is very attractive for 36 million CHF ($ 38 million) to continue funding for health clinics, emergency assistance, and other services in 16 provinces.
Matheou spoke at a press conference in Kabul a day after UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric asked for a donor to track fast funds for the $ 606 million flash appeal which was only 22% funded to help 11 million Afghans for the rest of the year.
“ There needs to be some solutions to financial currents to Afghanistan to ensure that at least salary can be paid, and important inventory, strength and water into two of them, can be obtained, “Matheou said.
The primary health system requires an independent source of funding that is independent of the group to continue to operate, he added.
Since the Taliban confiscated Afghan control in mid-August, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund had quit disbursement to the government, while the US frozed the dollar flag in assets held in American accounts by the Afghan central bank.
Foreign assistance previously contributed nearly 75% of Afghan public expenditure, according to the World Bank report.
But with funds now frozen, the economic crisis appears.
Cutting for health care has produced 2,500 health facilities no longer work, and more than 20,000 health staff, 7,000 of them women, no longer paid, said Matheou.
During a five-day trip, he met the Taliban leaders who expressed desire for continuation and even increased humanitarian assistance and that sanctions were lifted.
Since the Overran Kabul Taliban on August 15, the world has been watching to see if they will create their hard rules in the 1990s.
As a result, the international community is divided into the issue of continuing assistance to Afghanistan.
Some countries have conditions, including the minimum guarantee that women’s rights will be protected.
Others say urgent humanitarian needs must be fulfilled first.
Previously, in protest in Kart-e-Char Kabul, a demonstration by six women outside the government school was stopped by the Taliban who also ordered the press to leave the place.
Another woman came to join protests after it was also told to go home, according to a witness.
Mawlawi Nasratullah, a Taliban intelligence officer, then told reporters that they did not submit a request to protest.
Matheou said that the remaining diplomatic missions in Kabul since the Taliban takeover had taken a practical approach to help.
“ Mission located here I will say briefly oriented to pragmatic adaptation with reality as it is now, and it is not difficult for support requirements present in several missions abroad, ” said.
He met with representatives from Qatar, Pakistan, Turkey and Russia.
“ We are firm about supporting women’s rights, we have no doubt about that universality, but as our service provider places life preservation first.

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