Donors help fight women build a restaurant in Hassan – News2IN

Donors help fight women build a restaurant in Hassan

Written by news2in

Hassan: a group of donors has helped women from disadvantaged people to launch Khanavali (hotel) their own at Hassan City.
Prerana Khanavali from Hasanamba Road, Operations since March 2021, was launched by women who struggled to live a dignified life.
Donors collected money to help them establish their hotel.
Now, these women expand catering services for locals too.
The donor team consists of the following: Roopa Hassan, an activist and founder of Prerana Vikasa Vedike, Ratna Rising, Retired Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Wayne State University, Detroit (USA), Dr.
Savithri A, Gynecologists and Obstetrics (Hassan ), Taraswamy, Hemalata, an academic from Mandya, VenkataMatowda, Author S Usha, and Ballasaheb Lokapure, Scouts and Commissioner Guide Dr.
Veerabhadrappa and others.
Ratna rises to donate Rs 1 Lakh, while Dr.
Savithri bear the rent of the Monthly Building Hotel (Rs 6,500).
Khanavali is run by six women – Dharani, Asthma, Savitri, Shobha, Jayalakshmi and Indira.
Dharani said they began working at 5.30 in the morning and usually ended at 10pm.
Roopa said these women were originally involved in producing and marketing some homemade products such as phenyl.
“Because they can’t find a good market, we think to involve them in any work that doesn’t require them to travel or depend on others for marketing.
So we started Prerana Khanavali,” said Roopa, which brings together donors and motivates the donors and motivates the donors and motivates the donors and motivates the donors Women to launch the hotel.
In addition to running hotels, women are ALOS to catering services and production / supply of various cooking ingredients, especially masala powder.
Ratna, donor from us, said Prerana Khanavali has empowered women who will otherwise suffer.
“We, as a community, need to provide financial resources and support for the implementation and sustenance of the project,” he added.
Savitri said all the task of supporting people in trouble.
“There is nothing to be abandoned.
We need to take care of everything,” he added.

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