‘Drunk’ Desesa TDO was arrested for behaving badly with students, released – News2IN

‘Drunk’ Desesa TDO was arrested for behaving badly with students, released

Written by news2in

Palanpur: A Taluka Development Officer (TDO) in Desesa Taluka Panchayat was arrested on Tuesday because it did not behave badly with applicants in his room under the influence of liquor.
Desesa City police hold BD Solanki for a while before releasing it after taking a blood sample.
According to him with complaints submitted by a group of students, Solanki has a bad history with applicants to delay tactics.
On Tuesday, he postponed the delivery of the certificate and when the students entered his room, he began to abuse and persecute them.
The students also accused that they noticed that he was drinking in his room.
Even media personnel who came to the office said they were suspected of finding it drunk and replied not coherently to their questions.
However, Desesa police denied pressing any official accusations at the officers, said they did not find evidence of alcohol to him.
Swapnil District Development Officer Khare told Tii, “I have received the video of the incident, based on where I have formed an investigation panel.
The notification of performances has also been issued for soarki.
But further action will be taken by the state government only based on our report.
Solanki is class II officer, I cannot take direct action against him and the government must decide any action.

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