Duo mother-child helps people overcome depression due to loss of pets – News2IN
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Duo mother-child helps people overcome depression due to loss of pets

Duo mother-child helps people overcome depression due to loss of pets
Written by news2in

Vadodara: The loving duo of the daughters of Banyan City has begun ‘bridging Rainbows’ new initiatives to bring together animal lovers and owners who suffer from their loss of pets throughout the country.
Under the initiative, Hansa Roy, a retired geologist, and his daughter Dr.
Kuhu Roy intends to normalize talks around mental health and emotional well-being and how to overcome the loss of their pets.
“People have deep bonds with animals that live with them or feed them or take care of them.
So, when the animal dies, it’s the same as the loss of human family members,” Roy explained, added that he and his daughter began the initiative after going through sadness similar to the loss of their first dog butter about 15 years ago.
“Fifteen years later, I still cry sometimes remembering butter,” said Roy Toi.
“Abroad, it is very normal to talk about mental health in the context of animals, unlike in our country where mental health itself is a taboo subject.
So, carrying in the context of animals will be ridiculous for many people,” Kuhu said, who too experienced a lot of struggle after butter death.
At present, under the initiative they have extinguished the writings of people who try to handle their loss of animals on the website.
“When people who suffer from sadness read these writings, they can also be related and open about what they feel and thus can have a chain,” Kuhu said.
He added that in the future they plan to start a support group where people come together virtually or directly talk about their mental health and sadness.
“There is an extraordinary scope to learn because we don’t have a counseling of eveences in India,” he said.

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