Efforts to drive low carbon development lanes in the industrial sector are very important to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement: India – News2IN

Efforts to drive low carbon development lanes in the industrial sector are very important to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement: India

Efforts to drive low carbon development lanes in the industrial sector are very important to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement: India
Written by news2in

Glasgow: India on Tuesday underlines that efforts to encourage low-carbon development lines in the industrial sector are very important to achieve the objectives of the Paris agreement.
Environment Minister UNI Bhupender Yadav, while speaking in Leadit (leadership group for industrial transition) Summit 2021, held on the sidelines of COP26 in Glasgow, highlighted that the industrial sector contributed around 30 percent of total emissions.
“Industrial sectors together contribute around 30 percent of CO2 total emissions, and thus, efforts to encourage low-carbon development routes in the industrial sector are very important to achieve the goal of the Paris agreement,” Minister in Speech in Leadit Summit was led by India and Sweden.
Yadav also stressed that even though new countries such as US, Austria and Ethiopia, including Skanska, Heidelberg Cement and Salzgitters have joined this initiative, need more that more companies from the heavy industry must join global initiatives.
Leadit is a voluntary initiative to promote low-carbon transitions, especially in sectors that are difficult to occupy such as iron and steel, aluminum, cement and concrete, petrochemicals, fertilizers, bricks, heavy duty transportation, etc.
Through the active participation of the company’s private sector.
The Minister of Environment said the critical gap in the transition of the global low-carbon industry, which included the development and transfer of technology, ensuring adequate financial flow on scales and speed, capacity constraints, and policies to facilitate industrial transitions.
He also stressed that any low-carbon production in the heavy industry requires intervention both at the level of alternative raw materials and efforts to reduce processes related to processes, which are challenging in developing countries that have not built the majority of the structures built.
“Developed countries must also provide the main market for green technology products and reduce costs so that this can be deployed in developing countries too, on a scale,” said Yadav.
The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Environment Sweden, per Bolund, who welcomed new members in the Leadit Group and said that the industry played an important role in achieving zero-zero targets, leading to achieving the objectives of the Paris agreement, and the creation of new opportunities and new opportunities green.
He also underlined the importance of cooperation between the country and investment for the transformation with a fossil-free future, and on the need to find more friends including the private sector and civil society.
He said that public-private partnerships and creation of assistance requests in reducing radical emissions and creation of green jobs.
During the event, John Kerry, the Messenger of the US Special President for the climate, said that it was important to explore opportunities that mixed technology with finance, and Leadit would support the countries in holding hands and interesting to achieve zero-zero goals in the sector industry.
Mahendra Singhi from Dalmia Cement underlined the need for Dekarbonis and reached Net-Zero, which, Leadit has an important role to play and mentioned that Dalmia Cement has taken the target to reach net-zero in 2040, which can be achieved previously if supported has been received.
The event was attended by Leadit Member States and companies, including Argentina, Austria, Australia, Denmark, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, USA, England, Ukraine, Dalmia Cement, Heidelberg Semen, Lafargeharcim , ThyssenKrupp, SSAB, Scania, Skanska, and Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, World Economic Forum etc.
Ukraine, who has not become a member of the Leadit Group, informed him that he had submitted his will to join the initiative.
The Netherlands said the integrated mission of the bio-refinery that was being carried out in collaboration with the Biotechnology Department under the innovation of mission.
The World Economic Forum is looking forward to implementing the 2030 plan.
The incident saw the adoption of the Leadit Summit 2021 Legal Summit by the Minister of India and Sweden.

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