‘Emotional stability must be a priority, not a curriculum’ – News2IN
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‘Emotional stability must be a priority, not a curriculum’

'Emotional stability must be a priority, not a curriculum'
Written by news2in

As more and more schools to reopen in the physical mode, both students and teachers try to adapt to the new normal.
Although the physical classroom teaching is always the norm, the condition in which he was detained poses new challenges.
Right from having the students back on campus after a long gap, psychological fear that a second wave destroys has instilled and pressure to keep the wheels rolling education is something that all stakeholders are trying to get used to.
Academic senior Neeru KaPai spoke to TOI on priorities for teachers now that school has reopened in physical mode.
Excerpts …
Although it was returned to the classroom, it’s really a very different set-up now.
Class A.
Physical now operates under specific guidelines issued by the government and that’s why it will be different from what they looked like in 2019.
Although there is a limit to the number of students present in class, webcast simultaneously being made to ensure that students at home do not miss.
Hybrid teaching methods are also being adapted to.
So, overall it was a new experience, but there’s no denying that having the students back in class is much better.
Is the situation better because it facilitates the learning process? A.
It’s better because the teachers can take care of students’ emotional and academic needs in a way that is optimized.
You should understand that teachers play an important role in the overall development of students.
Teachers always observe the body language of students, how they interact with peers and seniors.
This observation gives teachers a very clear idea in which students act alone, depressed, etc.
And then, a little counseling or pep talk or a special responsibility for students who pull him / her out of the shell that is all part of the response of teachers trained for such situations , However, in a virtual classroom, observation is very difficult.
Do students need a lot of handholding even after they are back on campus? A.
For all schools today, the priority is not to be completed curriculum but to provide emotional stability and boost their self-esteem.
There was never a greater need for students to be trained in life skills of the 21st century.
Parents and teachers must ensure that they put in all efforts to help their children learn how to be responsible and accountable for their behavior and decisions.
What has happened during this prolonged Covid-induced lockdown is that the students have been affected mentally, because their normal routines, their life with friends etc suddenly snatched from them.
For teens, such a sharp change and that too for a long time is difficult to handle.
So, to deal with students on an emotional level, not only academically, will be a priority now? A.
All good teacher is always connected with their students at both levels.
But yes, the need to do so would be much greater now.
Covid has played havoc with the feelings and emotions of students.
The uncertainty of their future dreams increased anxiety.
This leads to frustration and depression that forced them to commit suicide.
Therefore, changes in the mindset of both parents and teachers are now required to handle all these things.
Is this a slow process for everyone? A.
It’s not necessary.
The biggest problem in solving every problem is that stakeholders do not want to accept that there is a problem.
Whether it’s parents or students, there should be no doubt would recognize that there are serious problems that need to be addressed.
I always say the first step is to accept that there is a problem.
Do not put this off because it will be worse.
Once you have accepted that there is a problem, then we can begin to change the situation.

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