Entrepreneur Chart Out Budget Desire List – News2IN
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Entrepreneur Chart Out Budget Desire List

Written by news2in

Ranchi: Traders and Entrepreneurs in Jharkhand expect a blueprint for financial assistance in personal income tax, inclusion of gasoline and diesel under the GST regime and a new focus on the formation of work and livelihood in the upcoming budget, which will be submitted by finance.
Minister of Nirmala Sitharaman in February 1.
Cycling to Ti on Sunday, Deen Dayal Barnawal, Vice President of the Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Jharkhand (FJCKI), said: “Considering inflation, the Center for Personal Income Taxes must increase Slab’s personal income tax from RS 2 , 5 lakh to Rs 4 Lakh.
Apart from that, tax exemptions in a saving scheme must be raised to Rs 5 lakh from the existing level of Rs 1.5 lakh.
“FJCCI also said it expects the union government to allocate more money to health service infrastructure After the Covid-19 pandemic and provided health protection to vendors and traders who were not organized, small and marginalized, which was about 5 crores in the country.
“The tourism sector, which is a mainstay for countries such as Jharkhand, must be given more focused,” Barnawal claims.
Employers, under the banner of the Jharkhand Small Industries Association (JSIA), must revive the credit-related capital subsidy scheme which is now closed, which is used to provide 15% subsidies for existing industries for technology improvement.
“The MSME sector expects a discount of 15% additional prices about commercial taxes for existing industries and carrying electricity, gasoline, and diesel under the GST regime,” said the President of JSIA Philip Mathew.
Jharkhand Parliamentarians expect the center to announce new railroad projects in the state.

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