EU to review a safe travel list, can reconsider US status: Source – News2IN

EU to review a safe travel list, can reconsider US status: Source

EU to review a safe travel list, can reconsider US status: Source
Written by news2in

Brussels: The European Union will review a list of countries from which non-essential travel is allowed under the restrictions on Coronavirus and can reconsider the inclusion of the United States, a European Union official said on Friday.
The current list includes two dozen countries, including the United States, Japan and Australia, which is considered safe from a health perspective under the ongoing pandemic.
Next week’s meeting “can” also assess the situation in connection with the United States, an EU official told Reuters, without describing because there was no decision.
EU officials regularly review the list of developing pandemics.
The block has repeatedly asked Washington to let the UE residents after the United States added to June to the white list called.
“Many representatives of the EU and EU countries have spoken with our US counterparts about plans to reopen the country for visitors from EU countries, especially after European steps to allow US citizens to travel,” a spokesman for the Slovenia European Union Presidency said .
“We all consider people’s contact – for people to be a strong and successful and successful transatlantic alliance building blocks, so we continue to remind, ask and encourage our US friends to follow,” said the spokesman.
This list is not binding, even though the EU government tends to apply it.
But they can ignore it and let citizens from countries that are not on the list, or vice versa.
Block 27 countries are divided among countries that encourage reciprocity from the US, and others who depend more on tourism and can be reluctant to remove Washington from the list, officials said.

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