Europe, China clamps in the face of Covid-19 infection soaring – News2IN

Europe, China clamps in the face of Covid-19 infection soaring

Europe, China clamps in the face of Covid-19 infection soaring
Written by news2in

Paris: Europeans impose difficult rules and China locks millions on Thursday, when countries rushed to surge in Coronavirus infection driven by Omicron variants.
The British said the risk of hospitalization was 70 percent lower among the people infected with Omicron compared to the previous Delta tensions, Gema studies published Wednesday in the UK and Scotland.
But scientists have warned that Omicron is very contagious and can still cause more severe overall cases.
France and England on Thursday announced records of all time Covid-19 daily infections since the beginning of the pandemic at the beginning of 2020.
When families throughout Europe are preparing for Christmas, the government announces the raft of new steps to prevent the signs of being intensified from the new strainer, putting dampener on the celebration.
Catalonia Spain is to handle back hours of night time for two weeks since Christmas, while Scotland announces it will close the nightclub from next week, including on New Year’s Eve.
Europe has been hit hard by ongoing waves, recorded 60 percent of global cases during the past week, according to the AFP calculation of official sources on Wednesday.
In other new steps on Thursday, Greece said people had to wear facial masks both inside and outside during the Christmas and New Year meetings.
Denmark asked all foreigners even those who were vaccinated to show negative Covid tests to be able to enter the country.
– 13 million indoors – reacted with more strektion, China closed the city of 13 million people on Thursday in an effort to extinguish the covid-19 small outbreak and pursue its zero-case destination.
China locked the North City of Xi’an returning to the famous terracotta soldier in the world to spray several hundred cases.
“I think it is necessary to have a lock,” said a citizen Xi’an, who wanted to be identified only as yuan.
Omicron has not been reported in Xi’an, with only dozens of cases of less contagious Delta variants detected in the city of 13 million in the last few days.
But the Chinese government, in pursuing a zero-case strategy in front of the Beijing Winter Olympics, has ordered all the people of Xi’an to stay in the room.
Only one person per household can go outside every two days to buy needs, while businesses that are not important are closed.
The February Olympics arranged to become the most stringent mass sports program since the pandemic began, with internationally prohibited audiences and all participants were required to remain in a closed loop system.
– Covid pills – in business, German national carrier Lufthansa said Omicron forced him to ax 33,000 flights after a decrease in order.
Denmark found illegal Mink agriculture that had been operating despite a ban, after last year’s country destroyed millions of animals because they could bring Coronavirus and endanger the effectiveness of the vaccine.
But in some positive news, US food and administration of official drugs ratify Merck covid pills for high-risk adults, the day after giving a green light to a similar Pfizer product.
Pills developed by Merck are taken within five days after symptoms.
It has been shown to reduce hospitalization and covid deaths of up to 30 percent among risky people, while Pfizer pills reduce the same results almost 90 percent.
Pills available at pharmacies tend to be much more accessible than synthetic antibody treatments, which require infusion in hospitals or special centers.
The United States has spent $ 5.3 billion (4.68 billion euros) procurement of 10 million pfizer care courses, according to the White House.
But the health authority maintains that vaccines are still the best protection of any variant, and pushing booster shots.
AstraZeneca said on Thursday that the third dose of Covid-19 vaccine “significantly” raised the level of antibodies to omicron strains in laboratory studies.

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