‘Everyone must follow the law’: IT Minister Vaishnaw on Twitter FaceOff – News2IN
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‘Everyone must follow the law’: IT Minister Vaishnaw on Twitter FaceOff

'Everyone must follow the law': IT Minister Vaishnaw on Twitter FaceOff
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Ashwini Vaishnaw, Minister of Information and Technology, on Thursday sending a hard and clear message to Twitter, which is engaged in removal with the center of the new IT rule.
“Everyone who lives and works in India must obey the country’s rules,” Vaibhaw said when asked about Twitter’s reluctance to comply with new government guidelines.
“Everyone must follow the laws of the country,” Vaishnaw said during his first visit to the party headquarters after making a cabinet minister in the Modi government.
Vaishnaw, a member of Parliament from Odisha, took over as a minister from Ravi Shankar Prasad who was involved in a bitter spat with Twitter.
Ravi Shankar Prasad was dropped from the Union cabinet in yesterday’s reshuffle.
Over the past few months, Twitter has been involved in the Islands with the Indian government for amendments in the country’s new information technology law.
Because the micro platform blogging does not comply with changes according to amendments, it has lost intermediary status and has been responsible for the user-generated content.
India Recently Upholding Information Technology (Broker Guidelines and Digital Ethics Codes) Rule 2021 To regulate the function of online media and publishers, social media companies such as Facebook, Twitter – provide ‘intermediary’ services – and and over-the -top (platform OTT).
According to the IT rules, social media and streaming companies will be asked to reduce controversial content faster and appoint a complaint recovery officer based in this country to handle online content characterized by the authorities and courts and also help in investigations.
While the rules come into force on May 26, Twitter has not compiled social media guidelines, despite repeated reminders of the government.
(With input from agency)

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