EXPENSION OF RS 10CR MSU for NIRF ratings increase eyebrows – News2IN
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EXPENSION OF RS 10CR MSU for NIRF ratings increase eyebrows

EXPENSION OF RS 10CR MSU for NIRF ratings increase eyebrows
Written by news2in

Vadodara: The Technology Teacher Forum (TTF) of the Faculty of Technology and Engineering of the University of M (FTE) has raised a serious question about financial data delivered by university officials to the Ministry of Education for the National Institute of Ranking Framework (NIRF).
FTE has ranked in 117th place in NIRF ranking for engineering universities issued by the Indian Government (Government of Indonesia) recently.
The cost of Hospital 10 Crore is displayed because capital expenditure in the data submitted by university officials has collected many eyebrows.
Those who know said there was no such expenditure.
TTF demands that the state government must ask this problem.
“In the documents available on the NIRF website, it is claimed that the expenditure of a total of 10.03 crore rs has been carried out in the academic year 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20,” said the President of TTF Dr.
K v R Murthy.
“This expenditure must be physically verified, and a comprehensive investigation must be done,” TTF said in a representation before the Gujarat government.
Murthy said that the annual capital expenditure shown in NIRF documents published on the website of the Indonesian government education ministry was only made on paper.
TTF has demanded the former FTE Dean, Professor Arun Pratap, and Chancellor’s representative, Professor Parimal Vyas, must be responsible if it was found that the funds of Rs 10 Crore were misused under various heads.
Furthermore, TTF blamed the position of the professor lying empty for universities to get a poor ranking.
“To 52 professor positions approved by GOG, only ten professors who work today.
According to the Norma Aicte, ratio of 1: 2: 6 must be maintained for professors, professor associates and assistant professors.
Norma is not followed by MSU,” Murthy said.

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