Explanation: Why Tornado is very difficult to predict – News2IN
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Explanation: Why Tornado is very difficult to predict

Explanation: Why Tornado is very difficult to predict
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: After a strong series of tornadoes hit the midwest and killed more than 100 people this weekend, attention has turned to the warning system and why moving moving movements are very difficult to predict.
Tornado is a narrow and rough air column that extends from thunderstorms to the ground, according to the administration of the ocean and national atmosphere.
About 1,200 tornadoes hit the United States every year.
Unlike storms that can be seen gathering the previous days, WatchForecasting Tornado lasts for four to six hours above certain areas when favorable conditions develop for tornadoes.
The storm usually has a diameter measured in hundreds of miles and can last for days or weeks.
Scientists can usually predict the storm road three to five days earlier.
Tornadoes usually form in a few minutes, usually a few hundred feet wide, and last for a few minutes.
Tornado Watches, which are not the same as the Tornado commemoration, are usually issued at the previous hour by meteorologists watching 24/7 weather throughout the United States and covering parts of the country or several countries.
They show that weather conditions are ideal for tornado forms, but don’t always produce a tornado.
Meteorologists in local offices publishing national weather services Tornado warning when tornadoes are reported by a complainant or indicated by radar and there is a serious threat to life and properties on its path.
The average lead time for a Tornado memorial is eight to 18 minutes, according to Weather.com.
Many cities use public warning sirens to warn tornadoes, but rural areas and small towns do not have it.
Most of the local radio and television stations broadcast warnings, as well as many smart phone applications and wireless emergency warnings provided by Fema originating from cell towers around the tornado and flash floods.
The incidence of tornado outbreaks during the weekend is a series of storms overnight, including super cell storms formed in the Arkansas northeast.
The storm moved from Arkansas and Missouri and to Tennessee and Kentucky.
This time it’s more deadly because the tornado hit at night.
“People rely on visual confirmation to go to the shelter.
But at night, you know, you don’t have it,” Jeff Masters, a meteorologist for Yale’s climate connection.
The master added that the largest cell cell size is another factor for expanding destruction.
“That means there’s really no place to hide.
So big and so strong that even if you are in a shelter, you are in the danger of losing your life.”

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