Fast edit: BJP will not object to the regional party that gets – News2IN
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Fast edit: BJP will not object to the regional party that gets

Fast edit: BJP will not object to the regional party that gets
Written by news2in

Indian team: respond to difficulties with achievements

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Failure is not an option in a mission to protect Hinduism in Pakistan & Bangladesh.
What is at stake is the future of civilization in Dharmic.

We need to end harassment through the firs

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Don’t let domestic politics block environmental ties

Don’t drink the next 20 years: Privatization of Indian water is worth praised but the Indonesian government needs to learn from it, and do it more

The performance of the T20 World Cup Indian team has been bad, but it’s not the end of the world

Heart and mind: In Kashmir, the key goal for the government will win popular support.
Police action must take into account this at

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The spirit team does not have space for it

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