Finance Wing recommends revenue recovery from PWC – News2IN
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Finance Wing recommends revenue recovery from PWC

Finance Wing recommends revenue recovery from PWC
Written by news2in

ThiruvananThapuram: Reports by Government Financial Inspection Wings In Kerala State IT Infrastructure Ltd (KSITL) have recommended the recovery of RS 16.15 lakh from the PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) company where the defendant in the case of gold smuggling, SWAPNA SURESH, was appointed in the KSITL room park project.
The report, which was accessed by Toi, said that if the recovery was impossible from PWC, the number had to be restored from the IAS officer and his former Secretary M Sivasanankar, KSITL MD Jayasarkar Prasad and Special Officers Park Santhosk Kurup was because they were intentional and planned steps that resulted in the appointment of Swapna Suresh who did not even have the qualifications needed to be appointed as a junior consultant at Space Park.
The report said that Rs 19.06 lakh was given to PWC because they paid their salary and after reduced by GST, RS 16.15 Lakh must be restored.
The next report said that the KSITL must immediately end an appointment with a consultant and must depend on the exchange of work for recruitment in a state that cannot be avoided.
It also added that the Administrative Department of KSITL, which is an IT department, must ensure that the appointment of meeting through the project management unit (PMUS) is carried out only after preparing a list of three candidates (with the right qualifications) and choosing the right candidate after a interview by the selection committee.
PWC is the PMU project for Space Park.
Last year, a report by the Secretary of the Chief then Vishwas Mehta and Additional Chief Secretary (Finance) Rajesh Kumar Singh has found that Swapna has approached a special officer for Space Park in August 2019, with a reference from Secretary M Then, while still working as the Secretary of the Consul General UAE.
Also, MD KSITL and special officers for Space Park have checked the Swapna reference to Sivasarkar and confirm.
The committee has also reported that the overall sequence of events shows that Sivansar has a hand in pointing someone with a doubt credential to the post at Space Park.
The committee then recommends the Black PWC list for two years from participating in any project by the State IT department, based on which the government issues orders that prohibit organizations.
However, after PWC challenged the government’s decision in the High Court, the court continued to carry out government order.
The FIW report about KSITL also found serious irregularities in appointments in the organization.
It was said that while there were only six recognized posts and 15 other posts transferred from various other organizations in KSITL, 62 people were appointed in KSITL from 2009 to 2020.
Of the 62, no details on post notifications and qualifying education 14 employees available with KSITL, which is a serious hose.
Even though the report was prepared and equipped with a department earlier this year, no action was taken.

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