First Ever Intel Intel Report on Indian Puts Climate, Pakistan Among 11 High-Risk Countries and Attention – News2IN
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First Ever Intel Intel Report on Indian Puts Climate, Pakistan Among 11 High-Risk Countries and Attention

First Ever Intel Intel Report on Indian Puts Climate, Pakistan Among 11 High-Risk Countries and Attention
Written by news2in

Washington: In the midst of disaster weather events throughout India, including in Uttarakhand and Kerala recently, an unprecedented US intelligence assessment has identified India and Pakistan among the 11 countries that are “very vulnerable” in their ability to prepare and Respond to the environmental and social crisis caused by climate change.
US first US national intelligence estimation in the climate also said India and China will play an important role in determining the trajectory of global temperatures while shiny from the western contribution to the crisis, even when warning that global warming will increase geopolitical tension will increase geopolitical tension will increase geopolitical tensions will increase Increase geopolitical tension.
and the risk of US national security in the period up to 2040.
“China and India …
each is the first and fourth emitter, and both of them cultivate their total and per capita emissions, while the United States and the second largest and third EU-US – Decreases, “the report said, while recognizing the two countries combined more renewable and low carbon sources into their energy mixture.
The report said several factors would limit the transfer of their coal (seen as one of the main strikes), including the costs they have sunk to make it relatively cheaper to use coal compared to other energy sources, and “try to calm the domestic constituency that relies on the coal industry For work “- accusations that also apply to the US.
In part titled “arguing about who bears the responsibility to act,” the report, who came only a few days before the COP 26 climate change conference at Glasgow, with bleak estimated that “the old diplomatic gap between the contributions developed will last.” Some Big developing countries will almost certainly continue to submit a conditional target, arguing that developed countries must provide substantial financial assistance – called in the transfer of Paris technology, and assistance in the development of capacity for them to achieve their NDC goals, report, record their views That the failure of developed countries to mobilize $ 100 billion per year starting in 2020 has hampered their ability to take serious action.
Reports identify 11 countries, including India, Pakistan and Afghanistan as “concerned countries” while warning that they tend to face heating temperatures, more extreme weather, and interference with their sea patterns, and health security.
The more frequent and intense, cyclones tend to pollute water sources and increase the vector population and disease they send in some 11 countries, he warns.
Outside of the Arctic, intelligence assessment said by reference to India and Pakistan that transboundary tensions might increase the surface of the earth and groundwater together as an increase in weather variability that worsened or triggered new water insecurity.
Although the report said scientific estimates were not quite appropriate to show the possibility of a flashpoint, it noted that Pakistan relied on downstream surface water from rivers fed by glaciers from India for most irrigation, and needed data from India at river disposal in sequence To provide advanced warnings to evacuate the village and prepare for flooding.
Referring to the migration related to climate change, the report warned that it would disrupt the dynamics of socio-economic, political, and demographic, contributing to instability, and eliminating the bond between the country’s countries and recipients.
“We consider that cross-border migration will probably increase due to climate effects added pressure on the population of internal refugees that have struggled under poor governance, violent conflict, and environmental degradation.
The trigger for increasing migration, more cyclones that accompany a surge and flooding , “said the report by referring to the problem between India and Bangladesh among other countries.

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