Fishing hooks removed from softshell turtles – News2IN
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Fishing hooks removed from softshell turtles

Fishing hooks removed from softshell turtles
Written by news2in

Rajkot: Softshell turtles, endangered species, saved by a veterinarian from the forestry department from the village of Gir Somnath District.
Softshell Turtles are listed under the schedule of the 1 wildlife protection law, categories that also have lions and tigers.
Turtle was found in the Dhokadhar area in a village in Gadhada Taluka’s gir.
After examining the softshell turtle, Dr.
Idrish Patel took him to the center of forest rescue in Jamwala.
Further examination revealed that fishing hooks had been trapped in the turtle nostrils.
When the doctor tries to remove fishing hooks, shy creatures are used to go to the shell.
“The turtle is usually afraid of being touched and this makes our duty difficult.
So, it’s only after giving anesthesia that I can remove fishing hooks from the nostrils,” said Dr.
Then, turtles were released in their original habitat.
Fishing hooks have damaged the buccal cavity of turtles as well as the nose, Dr.
Patel gets information.
Fishermen use small fish flour or wheat flour as prey in fishing hooks.
Turtle might get hurt while eating a bait like that, Patel said.
According to the Ministry of Forestry, these turtle species are usually seen in the rivers of the gear area.
The maximum distribution of these turtles is in the northern part of India.
This species is in danger because of habitat loss due to pollution and construction of dams and tidal series.
Another factor that contributes to the amount that has decreased excessively.

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