Food pesticides that cause increased C-sight: kgmu – News2IN
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Food pesticides that cause increased C-sight: kgmu

Food pesticides that cause increased C-sight: kgmu
Written by news2in

Lucknow: The presence of pesticides in our food and the environment not only disrupts our hormones and brings development changes in our growing years but also began to influence children before they even born, pioneering studies by the Biochemistry Department of Medical University King George found.
This study, which is displayed in a high-impact environmental research journal, has also found a correlation between lower birth weight, cost of caesareanism in premature birth and the level of pesticide toxicity.
This study included research on pregnant women and a cord blood sample from 221 healthy couples from Ratu Mary’s hospital and concluded the correlation between transplavent pesticide transfers which resulted in chemical changes and pregnancy outcomes in non-employment women.
According to Prof Abbas Ali Mahdi, the author of the research, the use of indiscrimined pesticides has been found to be a factor in low birth weight in newborns, premature delivery and also with an increase in the level of complications due to cell damage, which leads to a higher level of delivery of caesarean delivery.
In addition, pesticides can disrupt the balance of hormones in women by reducing the hormone progesterone and changing the antioxidant defense mechanism during an uncomplicated normal pregnancy that can also direct for premature birth, said Prof.
Mahdi, head of the biochemistry department.
“This is a pioneer study where we have seen causes and effects of pesticides in pregnant women, children who have not been born and health and development after birth.
The study process through a bloodstream of fetal cord blood and mother’s blood in high sample size is also a high sample Different factors, “said Prof.
“India has banned several pesticides but there is still the use of indiscrimined pesticides in our food and agriculture which then seeps into our environment too.
So since the conception, the fetus began to get toxic elements of pesticides that lead to biochemical changes, DNA changes, Cell damage, and genetic change too, “he added.
This study did not capture pregnant women living by fields or factories but non-employment women who are city residents in North India, pointing to the widespread pesticides that cause us to be more dangerous than goodness.
“It can also be a reason for events spreading from chronic diseases such as cancer, birth defects, reproductive disorders, neurodegenerative, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, developmental disorders, metabolic disorders including diabetes, chronic kidney disorders, liver disorders or autoimmune diseases.
This marker is found In our study can be used for early detection of diseases and toxicity related to pesticides, “he said.

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