For smaller hotels , the price increase can be a challenge – News2IN

For smaller hotels , the price increase can be a challenge

For smaller hotels , the price increase can be a challenge
Written by news2in

Mangaluru: While eating in most cities is expected to be expensive because of the increase in the price of important commodities and commercial LPG cylinders, many small hotel owners in the city are in the Catch-22 situation.
They show that it is impossible to increase prices as it is now because business has not reached the pre-covid level.
Harish Barvathaya, from Hotel Shri Rama Vilas, Kadri said, “We cannot think of conveying the burden of our customers.
There is no doubt that the input costs have increased, but our customers mostly bet everyday and people from the middle class.
In fact, they have asked us to reduce prices.
We might be able to think about increasing levels, when customers flow increases, “he said.
A hotel manager Ramesh B said most small and medium hotels have decided to wait and observe the market before deciding on price increases.
He said many hotels increased around 18 months ago.
“In terms of LPG tube prices fall, it can’t be easy to reduce prices.
Because businesses only take after the kuncian, many hotels will be slow on price increases, “he added.
Chandrakanth Kamath from Hotel Shivabagh said they did not increase prices for now.
“Because we operate from our own building, we have been able to manage so far,” he said.
Meanwhile, some hotels have increased prices for a cup of tea from Rs 10 RS 13.
The cost of two Vadas is used for RS 20 fees now Rs 30 and the cost of one IDLI plate has increased from RS 20 RS 30.
The price of almost all items of sin has increased by RS 5.
DK Hotels and Restaurants Association President Kudpi Jagadish Shenoy said several hotels have increased their prices with 10-20% mainly due to the increase in the price of commercial LPG tubes and raw material prices.
“This business slowly improves.
About 25% of customers do not step out of their homes, which can also be caused by Covid fear and the company still follows working from home, “he added.

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