Former captain of the Indian Deaf team went hi-tech to train Cricketers – News2IN

Former captain of the Indian Deaf team went hi-tech to train Cricketers

Former captain of the Indian Deaf team went hi-tech to train Cricketers
Written by news2in

Vadodara: Six years ago, Destiny forced him to sell ‘Moong Chaat’ on the roadside in the city to meet needs.
At present, now, Imran Sheikh, former captain of the Indian Deaf team, is busy training young people and aspires high throughout the state.
In fact, many young deaf cricketers also get the right lessons in their backyard thanks to the YouTube channel and the website launched by Sheikh.
“The country is home to many talented and aspiring crickets.
I realized this when I began training young people in the city a few years ago.
Among my wards are some deaf young people and speeches who want to get professional cricket training , “Sheikh said.
“That’s when I decided to reach a high-scale Cricketers.
It is impossible to gather large amounts of children in the middle of the covid pandemic and many people can’t even do a long distance trip.
So, I decided to start the YouTube channel where I am by Regular sharing Cricketing Tips, “Sheikh, who has started Deaf Cricket Club of Baroda, told TII.
He used a sign language to deliver training tips and fitness on his channel.
“There are not many institutions for deaf searchers living in districts and remote locations.
The idea is to provide assistance to such cricketers who want professional training,” Sheikh said 36 years.
He also gave a direct demonstration on how to bowl delivery and field while ensuring that a Cricketer did not suffer injury.
Sheikh, the all-rounder, played an important role with bats when India won the World Cup Cricket Deaf and mute in 2005.
The performance that consistently catapulted it with the team captain in 2012.
Sheikh then led the deaf cricket team on many occasions.

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