Former Puglia MP demanded the CBI question into theft of WCL coal – News2IN

Former Puglia MP demanded the CBI question into theft of WCL coal

Written by news2in

Chandrapur: Former MP member (MP) and Congress Leader Naresh Puglia has filed a complaint about the theft of coal from Western Coalfields Limited (KMK) in Chandrapur with the Minister of Coal Union and Minister (CM), and demanded the CBI investigation into the problem.
Puglia said the coal mafia looting coal national wealth from the mine of the KMK and fools of the government of the country hundreds of billions of mining royalties.
“Mafia coal is spread in the mine of the KMK in this district the theft of coal is good quality in the name of the shipping order for sale road (DOS),” he added.
The former MP said there were already several incidents of murder and violence between the coal mafia gang in the past.
“The state government lost mining royalties for the song of hundreds of crores thanks to this theft,” he added.
Puglia said coal mine in the district had given RS492.74 crore mining royalties to the state treasury at 2020-21.
From this royalty, 30% of the shares (RS147.82 Crore) are kept into the district mining royalty fund, which is used for development jobs in the area RS1,500 crore to the country every year.
“However, thanks to large-scale corruption in KMK mining, coal mafia worked hands-in-gloves with officials robbing nearly 35% of good quality coal.” The police and district administration was helpless in this matter, he was suspected of being in his letter to the Coal Minister, as coal mafia “had support from politicians in the district”.
Puglia highlighted errors in lifting coal in Nandgaon oblique coal handling plants which caused the escalation of tensions in the mine with Tuesday’s complaint.
He accused a similar case in mine in all districts, and demanded the CBI investigation into the problem.
He also urged CM Uddhav Thackeray involving the police and the department’s income in keeping watching the allocation of shipping permits to the bidder by the KMK, and ensuring that royalties had recovered against every ton of coal dug out from the mine.

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