France removes the EU flag after the right defender – News2IN

France removes the EU flag after the right defender

France removes the EU flag after the right defender
Written by news2in

Paris: French authorities lowered the temporary installation of the European Union flag from the Arc de Triomphe monument in Paris on Sunday, after accusing the opponent of President Macron accusing him “removing the” French identity.
Flag of B Blue is raised as a substitute for the French flag on New Year’s Eve to mark the turn of France to the president of the European Union’s council round, which will apply over the next six months.
The archmark and other landmarks including the Eiffel Tower are also illuminated with blue lights for the rest of the week.
But Macron’s right rival for the four-month President’s poll went away by eliminating the French flag, calling it insult to the state heritage and its veterans.
“Leading Europe Yes, removing no French identity!” Tweeted Valerie Pecrese, Conservative Candidates who show can be the main challenger for Macron in the voting upcoming.
He urged him to restore the French flag.
The candidate who was far away the sea Le Pen also criticized the move.
He called the removal of last night from the European Union flag “Great Patriotic Victory”, claiming on Twitter that “massive mobilization” has forced Macron to Backpedia.
But an official in the presidency said the removal of the flag before dawn was “in line with the planned schedule”, insisted that it was not like a blue light for the monument, it was only supposed to be in the arc for two days.

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