Friendly police station people make a difference in service – News2IN

Friendly police station people make a difference in service

Friendly police station people make a difference in service
Written by news2in

Rajkot: To make the police station visit less complicated for ordinary people, the Gandhigram police station has transformed himself to give a corporate touch.
From archiving applications to setting a seat in the air-conditioned waiting room, many surprises of the company’s style treatment are in stores for applicants.
City police claim to be the first in the state to get ambitious makeovers.
For people, changes include being given tokens with their names and photos and air-conditioned waiting rooms until they can complete their work.
Television in the waiting room and kiosk will tell applicants about the progress of their application.
If a visitor wants to meet certain people, they will get the system produced by SMS with their names and numbers and if the person is not available at the station at that time, visitors will be given another time slot for the meeting so that it saves everyone’s time.
The officer concerned can also prioritize meetings based on visitor details.
All visitor details include past crime records in their names will appear in the operator of a single window system and the caring officers they want to meet.
The software will be linked with Egujcop.
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Zone 2, Manoharsharsh Jadeja said, “This is a unique police station developed in the state to provide fast service to applicants and save their time.
Senior officials can now monitor how each police station works online such as the number of visitors Per day to the police station, the time needed to register or discard one application and how many times one visitor must come for the same application.

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