Gap between textile traders for the Fostta poll – News2IN
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Gap between textile traders for the Fostta poll

Written by news2in

Letter: The gap appears with various textile exchange markets to select the Federation of Letter Textile Traders Associations (FostTA).
However, increasing the problem in the election bound, people in the textile market suspect the political motives behind all problems.
The FostTA office carrier did not claim that there were rules for holding elections in the specified time or the merchant body also had registered legislatures as well.
The core committee has been formed to see the problem.
FostTA is the largest association of city textile traders who represent around 80,000 textile stores from 185 markets.
“Fostta has not yet held elections since September 2012.
The work committee formed in 2015 to hold elections continued and they did not take any initiative to hold elections,” said Lalit Sharma, Textile President Yuva Brigade.
Harma, a Senior Representative of the Japanese Textile Market Association , claiming the market complex will not follow orders from Fostta unless they are held by elections.
Some other market complexes also joined their hands and issued a letter demanding the election in Fostta.
“Fostta is an important organization that represents traders and they have to follow the practice of democracy.” They have failed in various fields even though they are the main organizations and are running in an undemocratic way, “said Dinesh Katariya, Minister of Lucky Minister.
Offering Mercantile Letter Association, Narendra Saboo, “Fostta was formed in 1985 and has raised important problems since then.
“But gradually failed to increase the problem of traders.
They must hold an election to win the trust of the merchant.” Claiming that they did not accept any representation, President of Fostta Manoj Agarwal, said, “None of our active members have raised the election request.
But the committee The core is watching the problem filed on the social media platform.
“Agarwal accused several people who are not even textile entrepreneurs trying to create differences in Fostta which have discussed important issues effectively in the past.

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