PANAJI: The second and higher secondary education council has announced that he will conduct an exam from February 16 to class X and XII students, who missed answering the first terminal exam for medical reasons such as Covid-19 or their participation in national games.
For students from both classes, additional examinations will be held starting from February 16.
For class XII students, the exam will be held in two centers – Shree Damodar High School, Margao, and Sarojini Madhusudan Kushe Secondary School, Assagao.
For students in class X, the examination center will be Janata High School, Mapusa, and Fatima Convent High School, Margao.
For class XII students, the exam will begin every day at 9:30 a.m.
and 9 in the morning for class X students.
“SOP to conduct an examination will be intimized a lot in advance,” Circular Goa Board said.
Because covid-19, cave council – and not school – is doing two final exams for class X and XII students during the academic year 2021-22 instead of conducting a single public exam at the end of the academic year.
Thus, the cave council conducted the first terminal exam for class X and XII students for this year in December 2021-2022.
However, some students were found to be able to answer the exam because of Covid-19 infection and due to participation in national games.
The Board then announced that a separate examination would be made for class X and XII students who could not answer the first term examination December 2021 – January 2022.
“In whatever circumstances of the examination will be postponed even though every day is expressed as a public holiday,” said the Coo’s Council has said February exam.
The Goa Board has asked the Principal to recommend the case of students who can appear for the February exam by ensuring that the cases are genuine.
In the first terminal exam students are assessed based on multiple choice questions.
The second term exam will consist of an assessment based on subjective questions.
The sign of the first term and the second term examination will contribute to the overall score of the end of the student.