Government school building in Dakshina Kannada poses threatening 135 children – News2IN

Government school building in Dakshina Kannada poses threatening 135 children

Government school building in Dakshina Kannada poses threatening 135 children
Written by news2in

Mangaluru: The 55-year-old government elementary school government in BhakKodi, Putture Taluk, who has recorded good acceptance and has an adequate number of teachers, in trouble in terms of infrastructure.
All classrooms are dilapidated with cracks or influenced by termites.
Children and staff are afraid of school who celebrate his gold yobel in 2017, can collapse anytime.
Panchayat Mudnoor Kamlesh S members told Stoi that for years they had submitted a memoranda to the officials of the Public Instruction Department, Zilla Panchayat, Taluk Panchayat and local representatives when they visited the school.
“No one pays attention to our request.
We don’t want to risk children because of a dilapidated building,” he said.
Kamlesh said the school had 135 children from class 1 to 7.
It has nine classrooms, where four is completely dilapidated and cannot be used.
DPI has locked up this classroom because they are not safe.
Five remaining classrooms, despite dilapidated, used for class.
“The school did not see maintenance because it was closed for months because of Covid-19 locking.
The walls were damaged by termites and all angles had developed cracks.
We want five new classrooms.
We will arrange protests along with SDMC members, parents and villagers if Our request is not fulfilled, “he added.
Vasanth Poojary, President, School Development and Monitoring Committee, said because the state, parents have expressed their fear of sending children to school.
“We want the Director of Public Instruction (DPI) to take immediate action and avoid disasters,” he said.

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