Greek Wildfires: Blaze Northwest of Athena Still Raging – News2IN

Greek Wildfires: Blaze Northwest of Athena Still Raging

Greek Wildfires: Blaze Northwest of Athena Still Raging
Written by news2in

Athens: Hundreds of firefighters supported by fire who dropped water fighting against large forest fire burned for Tuesday the second day which had led to the evacuation of care houses and several villages in northwest Athens.
API in the Vilia area, which was burned through dense forests, began on Monday, shortly after other forests broke southeast of the Greek capital, in the Keratea area.
Both of them were the most severe among the tens of forest fires to come out of the day throughout the country, the fire department said.
Hundreds of forest fires caught fire throughout Greece this month, triggered by the longest heat waves in the country and the most severe in decades that left the forest and dried bush bones.
Great heat and forest fires have also reduced other Mediterranean countries in recent weeks, with fires killing at least 75 people in Algeria and 16 in Turkey.
Italy has also seen several deaths related to fires.
Heavy drought and heat also triggered forest fires this summer in the western United States and in the North Siberian region of Russia.
The Greek Fire Department said 330 firefighters with 115 vehicles fighting with Vilia Blaze Tuesday, with air support provided by five aircraft dropping water and six helicopters.
Firefighters included 143 of Poland, sent to the country as part of the spread of foreign aid from European countries and the Middle East because Greece had struggled to withstand large forest fires for the past two weeks for the past two weeks.
Firefighters also still operate to secure the boundaries of the main blazes in the national park on the northern suburb of Athens and Evia Island which broke out in early August.
Others, including 40 Austrian firefighters, were fighting two major fires in the South Greece in Peloponnese.

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