Gujarat artist to build the highest statue of Mrs. Mary in Congo – News2IN

Gujarat artist to build the highest statue of Mrs. Mary in Congo

Written by news2in

Vadodara: When tourists visit this Central African country in the coming months, they will admire Maria’s plush statue that towered.
And credit to change the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is the main tourist attraction by building the highest statue in the world.
Mary will go to Gujaratis.
The artist group from the country has begun to build a statue that will be a 50 foot high.
“The statue will appear in the midst of a wide lake in the city of Kolwezi Panchal, Ajinkya Barde, Janak Panthal, Parmar Vinod, Bhavesh Panchal and Jagdish Vasava camped in Congo for this project.
“We will stay here for the next three months to build a statue.
While the statue was built by a private company, we have received permission because of that,” said Kaluskar to Toi.
“We are very excited because we will play an important role in making the Democratic Republic Congo as people from other African countries and the whole world will come here to see a glimpse of the highest statue of Mrs.
Mary, “he added.
This statue will be made of fiberglass with a heavy metal structure in it.
Plans are being carried out to come up with recreational facilities around the statue so business tourists get a place to hang out in the city.
“When we were offered a project to work to build the highest Mother Mary statue in the world, I was rather skeptical.
But the people here are very friendly so we have felt at home,” one of Maharshi Panchus artists.

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