Gujarat: Video of illegal lion shows with cows as viral bait, 12 booked – News2IN

Gujarat: Video of illegal lion shows with cows as viral bait, 12 booked

Gujarat: Video of illegal lion shows with cows as viral bait, 12 booked
Written by news2in

Junagadh: The Gujarat forestry department has registered FIR against 12 people after a video showing a group of people watching illegal lion shows become viral.
Defended has gathered to watch the show where the lion looks killing and partying on the carcass of a cow that is tied to a pole and is used as a bait to lure big cats in a village in Junagadh’s gir jungle, a word official on Sunday.
The event was held in a village in Devaliya Range of Gir Forest on November 8, he said.
The gearment and wildlife forest national park, also known as Sasan-gear, is known as the “last residence” of the Asiatic lion.
“We have submitted FIR to 12 unknown people and three people have been detained because they were questioned For illegal performances, “said Deputy Conservator (Junagadh), said SK Ralwal.
Some of them looked recording shows on cellphones.
The defendant had been ordered under various parts of the wildlife law (protection), including parts related to hunting (section 9), official said.

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