Hacking Twitter Account PM Modi Exposes Chinks in Cyber Security: Opposition – News2IN
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Hacking Twitter Account PM Modi Exposes Chinks in Cyber Security: Opposition

Hacking Twitter Account PM Modi Exposes Chinks in Cyber Security: Opposition
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Some opposition leaders on Sunday expressed concern over the Twitter account of Prime Minister Narendra Modi was briefly hacked, and said this explained the gap in cyber security.
They say cyber security is as important as the border and internal security and is asked whether Aadhaar data from all Indian people is safe.
JAJI CONGRES JAIVER SHERGILL said, “Twitter hacking Handles Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a problem that is a great concern, worried and explained the cyber security.
With advances and reliability on technology, policy makers are equally important by the border, internal security.” Leader Deputi Shiv Sena at Rajya Sabha Priyanka Chaturvedi said, “Prime Minister’s account was briefly hacked.
Cyber ​​security levels open very much.” Another Congress spokesman, Shama Mohammed, said, “PM Modi’s Twitter handle horsed last night.
This is a major security violation.” “If the government cannot adequately adequately from the prime minister, how to protect the aadhaar biometric data from Indian crores that insist on collecting,” he asked.
Indian Youth Congress President BV Srinivas made a naughty comment in responding to tweets on hacking.
“Good morning Modi Ji, Sab Changa Si?” He said in response to the Tweet that claimed India had “officially adopted Bitcoin as a legal tender” placed from a hacked account.
Srinivas also asked, “When the hackers sell Bitcoin from the JI modi account, where ‘Chowkidaar’ at that time.” “So the hackers know, Modi Ji’s password doesn’t have ‘Stranh’? (Sic)” he said in another tweet.
The Handle of Twitter Prime Minister Modi was briefly hacked on Sundays, and a tweet claimed that India had “officially adopted Bitcoin as a legal tender” entered from it.
The Prime Minister’s office then said that the account was immediately guaranteed after the problem increased to Twitter.
“The @Narendramodi twitter handle is very compromised briefly.
The problem is enhanced to Twitter and the account has been immediately secured.
In a brief period that the account is compromised, every tweet distributed must be ignored,” he said.
Tweet, after Modi’s personal handle hacked in a few hours, it also claims that India officially bought 500 BTC and distributed it between its inhabitants and sharing relationships, asking people to hurry.
The future comes today, he said.

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