Has 66 known Indian warriors: US reports – News2IN
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Has 66 known Indian warriors: US reports

Has 66 known Indian warriors: US reports
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: There are 66 Indian fighters who are known to be affiliated with the Islamic State, the latest US Department of State Report on Terrorism said, when praising the strength of Indian counterterrorism, including Nia, because actively detects and disrupts the strength of transnational and regional terror.
US Secretary Antony Blinken, in 2020 countries reported terrorism released on Thursday, India said collaborating with the US in implementing the UNSCR 2309 and enforced compliance with a double X-Ray mandate for cargo filtering on site.
The UN Security Council Resolution 2309 calls the government to fulfill their responsibilities to keep citizens safe while traveling by air.
The report said there were 66 Indian fighters known to be affiliated with him in November.
No foreign terrorist fighters (FTFS) were sent home to India during 2020, he added.
Highlighting US-India’s collaboration, the report said the US continued to build its strategic partnership with the Indian government, including through bilateral involvement such as working groups with 17th counterrogrorism and third appointment dialogue in September, and 2+ 2 minister dialogue in October.
“Indian counterterrorism forces, at the federal and state level, actively detected and disturbs the strength of transnational and regional terror,” the report said.
“Nia examined 34 cases related to terrorism associated with it was and arrested 160 people, including 10 al-Qaeda surgery from Kerala and West Bengal, in September,” the report said.
However, the report said “The Indian Security Institute was effective in disrupting the threat of terror, despite the permanent gap in intelligence intelligence and sharing information”.

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